Gail’s Book & Blog

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The Affirming Way of Life: See the Good, Speak the Good, Spread the Good is the winner of the National Indie Excellence Award!

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The words you speak can become your most powerful tool for creating warm-hearted, loving relationships.

Too often we lose touch with the gift our words can bring — or the harm they can cause. By making a surprisingly simple shift, seeing the good, you can literally transform the way you communicate.

The result? Greater happiness, stronger relationships, a more positive mindset and uplifted energy.

Through personal stories backed by exciting research from positive psychology, readers are inspired to express the positives they appreciate in others to build the kind of strong, healthy relationships that lead to a happy, fulfilling life.

If you’re interested in learning more about The Affirming Way of Life and reading stories about how it applies to daily life, please visit Gail’s blog!

Reviews of Gail’s Book

The Affirming Way of Life:
See the Good, Speak the Good, Spread the Good

 My life was immediately changed as I began to read this book. Usually mindful about affirming people, I quickly realized how much room I had to get better at this important life skill. After a lunch date with a friend I now send an email or text to share qualities I admire in the person. As a result my friends are feeling valued by me in a new and deeper way. Gail’s section, Words for our Children, should be a must-read for every parent and teacher alive. Her beautiful writing is honest, heart-opening, and real. This is a book to read over and over again and give as a gift to the special people in your life.

- Jamie Sussel Turner, speaker, coach, and author of Less Stress Life

Well-organizing and easy-to-read, The Affirming Way of Life offers practical, homespun advice on how to overcome challenges and learn to treat yourself with kindness and love. Packed with research and woven with her own struggles, Gail provides an honest narrative that is both relatable and comforting. Her book also provides simple yet effective strategies for dropping the defeatism that many of us carry and picking up the courage, resilience, and self-compassion needed to discover the affirming way of life. I highly recommend this book!

- Jason Armstrong, High School English Teacher and Founder of Write on Fight On

Life is never perfect and happy all of the time. There will always be people we wish we could relate to better, whether it is a husband, wife, child, coworker, etc. Gail’s book gives you the tools to think and speak differently to improve those relationships. Her words come from life experience and research, as well as a true desire to see others live a fruitful and happy life. I highly recommend this book to everyone.

- Sally Curtis, art teacher

Gail Siggelakis writes with the wit and wisdom that comes from loving people with care and concern. She deftly blends together the mental, emotional, and spiritual ingredients which shape relationships into intimate and wonderful connections. Her stories model the affirming way of life, and her information and practical applications encourage her readers to start anywhere on their journeys toward building satisfying relationships. An inviting and intimate read for all!

- Dr. Nadine Heitz, Director of Counseling Services, Rider University

This book is the perfect antidote to the harshness of our world, and it couldn’t come at a better time. The Affirming Way of Life provides tons of tested tools to bring more kindness and connection into our lives, along with the lives of loved ones, and the lives of people we interact with on all levels. Your life will change for the better after applying these tools. Read this book and pass it on to your friends. They’ll thank you!

- Naomi Drew, author of Peaceful Parents, Peaceful Kids

When I got my hands on Gail’s book I knew I needed to incorporate her research and knowledge about the affirming way into the wellness program I run at a university. The information, guidelines, exercises and takeaways are so helpful and empowering. Purchase this book, start the exercises, and see the change.

- Brett Scharite, Recreation Director, Rider University

This beautifully written book provides the basis for a good relationship: listen, speak with respect, kindness and compassion! Gail Siggelakis shows us the nuts and bolts needed to foster loving, caring relationships in our family, workplace and community. The book is a must read for any one intent on achieving greater happiness with others. I learned so much and have begun applying the new skills learned in & The Affirming Way of Life.

- Myra Weiner PhD, author of Uprooting the Poison Tree

Gail blends personal anecdotes, examples from popular culture as well as psychological research to provide the reader with a multi-course feast of ways to affirm and nourish relationships with ourselves, loved ones, children, family, and co-workers. In the mental health field that all too often focuses on emotional pathology, this book offers a refreshing contrast that addresses ways to identify and support the underlying emotional health of those around us.

- Peter Crist, M.D., Medical Orgone Therapist, President American College of Orgonomy, Princeton, NJ