About Gail

Meet your coach

I am a Midlife Reinvention coach, award-winning author, and former educator with a passion for supporting women (40-70+) to UNLEASH YOUR POSITIVE POSSIBILITIES.

It’s my mission to help YOU make the step-by-step changes that will enable you to create a life you love with all the good things you want – fulfillment at home and work, a deep sense of purpose, loving positive relationships, peace, abundance, ease and joy.

I know it’s POSSIBLE because there was a time when having those good things was the furthest thing from my reality. I’ve reinvented my own life in literally every domain and I know the zest and vibrancy living in accord with your inner self and fulfilling dreams brings.

Here are some key transformations I’ve accomplished that can help me understand your struggles and dreams:

Significant Other: I’ve reignited the love and connection in my relationship with my husband after years of drifting apart. When we became empty nesters I learned to communicate better, share hobbies and activities, and take up travel with him that bonds us and brings us joy.

Retirement: I worked as an educator for 38 years. My identity was wedded to my role as teacher and mother. It took me 3 years to finally feel confident enough to retire. What enabled me to make the leap was having a vision and plan for what I’d do and who I’d be. A year before I retired, I began pursuing a dream which became my focus the first years in retirement: writing my book. Pursuing one dream led to another – enabling me to reinvent myself from teacher, to writer, to speaker, to coach, to vital, continual lifelong learner. I knew I wanted to pass onto other women the joy and vibrancy I found in the dynamic process of pursuing passions that can lead to life reinvention.

Personal Habits: I’ve transformed my life from feeling overwhelmed and lacking the discipline to develop healthy habits (for years) to creating long-lasting routines that anchor my life and support me in living a peaceful, energetic life. My routines include meditation (consistently since 2018), stretching, walking, gratitude, healthy eating and cooking, and home care.

Dream Pursuit/Fulfillment: I overcame lifelong self-doubt to fulfill three huge goals in my 60’s: I went from being a non-exerciser to running a half marathon, wrote an award-winning personal growth book, and became a life-changing coach. As I engaged in these three passions over time my identity changed. I now identify myself and am recognized by others as a teacher, runner, writer and coach.

Entrepreneur: When I left my 38-year career as a teacher employed by a school system, I never contemplated having my own business. As my life reinvention process has continued to evolve, I’ve discovered that creating opportunities to share the message of my book and the exciting process of midlife reinvention through speaking engagements made me an entrepreneur.

I am a certified professional coach from Life Purpose Institute with extended training. I have a master’s degree in education, and 38 years of experience teaching. My special talents as a coach I nurtured as a teacher. I look with eyes that see the strengths and talents in my clients and hold the vision of who they are when they struggle to do so themselves. I am a keenly compassionate listener with the ability to hear what my clients are saying beyond their words.

Unleash Your Positive Possibilities Today!


 More About Gail…

I am an outdoorsy girl and find the beauty of nature awe inspiring. I delight in hiking, kayaking, and, biking, and am open to new ideas for enjoying the outdoors. I get a thrill out of creating outdoor challenges. I’ve run every boardwalk in NJ, walked the 66 mile Raritan-Delaware Canal (in segments), walked the entire 18 miles of Long Beach Island (7 hours 4 minutes), and am now on a mission to hike every NJ state park.

I am a passionate reader of fiction and personal growth books. I love going to shows, museums, and traveling with my husband, Gus to Europe and national parks. My family and friends mean the world to me.

My husband Gus and I enjoying ourselves in Napa Valley

My husband Gus and I enjoying ourselves in Napa Valley

Overcoming my fear of heights on Moro Rock, Sequoia National Park

Overcoming my fear of heights on Moro Rock, Sequoia National Park

My son Theo, the light of my life

My son Theo, the light of my life

I love spending time with family and friends

I love spending time with family and friends

My sister Lois, my best friend in the world

My sister Lois, my best friend in the world